Sunday, January 27, 2019

Mind Control Man, Vol 1

When he’d first gained his mental powers, he spent awhile just compelling women to fuck him. It had been fun, but ultimately unsatisfying. Like fucking a blowup doll: sure you get off, but it’s just glorified masturbation. More recently he’d learned to use his powers with greater subtlety to achieve much more satisfying experiences.
Sitting in a park, he watched the people strolling past with their families. He scanned for someone suitable, and his thoughts were pulled towards a young mother walking beside her husband, their infant son in a stroller. For a moment her husband glanced to the side, and immediately she quietly stepped out of sight. She walked to where He sat, and when she reached him he saw a look of confusion pass over her face. She smiled at him awkwardly, the way you do when you inadvertently violate a stranger’s personal space. 
“Don’t worry about it.” he said. “You came over here because I wanted you to come over here.”
“It doesn’t matter. Sit down with me for a moment.” His voice made it clear that it was an instruction, not a request. 
“uhm, no, I think I better get back to my husband.” she said, with polite discomfort.
“Why?” he asked. “No matter how many times you ask him to take charge in the bedroom, he’s never doing to give you anything better than a cheesy stern voice and an occasional slap on the ass.” 
She was already three steps away from him when he said it. When he finished she was about to break into a run, but it only took a little mental nudge to make her more angry than she was afraid. She spun back on him.
“Who the FUCK are you?”
“I’m the faceless man you think about while you rub your clit after your husband has rolled off of you and gone to sleep. The one who’s too strong for you to fight off. The one who’s hands on your throat don’t let you cry out. I’m the man you closed your eyes and pretended was fucking you the night you made your son. The man who didn’t want to put a baby in you because he ‘loves you,’ and ‘wants to start a family with you,’ but wanted to do it because you’re a woman and it’s the only thing your body is good for.”
She stood stock still, eyes wide, mouth open. It was the posture of someone whose most private thoughts had just been laid bare for them by a stranger. He locked his gaze with hers and didn’t say a word. He’d only destroy the mystique by saying anything before she’d processed what just happened.
“Samantha?” called her husband’s voice from around the hedge. Without hesitation she moved away from the voice, towards the stranger on the bench. He didn’t compel her to do that, but at this point she couldn’t have done anything else. 
“How do you-”
“Shut up.” he cut her off. He felt the sudden pulse of arousal shoot through her mind. He pushed on. “Your mouth is for sucking dick, not for asking stupid questions.”
He felt the impulse form in her mind. A fantasy she would hold close to her heart. One she’d masturbate to at the earliest convenience, but never one she would act on. At least, not without a little mental nudge…
“Yes sir.” she breathed as she fell to her knees. He feigned disinterest as she excitedly pulled open his pants and wrapped her lips around him. Without prompting he knew she was pushing herself deeper, sucking with greater vigor than she ever had for her husband. He felt the pain of the uneven pavement on her bare knees, and felt her push the pain aside. “My pain doesn’t matter” she thought of her own accord. “I am an object for men’s pleasure.”
With a final mental suggestion, he let her know that it would be better if he came on her face. She would have been happy to swallow every drop, but he wanted to mark her. His spray came out thick and voluminous, and she smiled as it draped itself across her features. He put his dick away while she knelt, silent and smiling. In that moment he knew she would abandon everything if he told her to do it. Her mind was racing at the thought of being his slave. Being treated like this all of the time. It was the only thing that mattered. 
“Go back to your husband.” he said. He felt her heart sink, but he continued. “You can tell him whatever you want, but do not clean up. Let him see my cum all over your whore face.” He stood up to leave. “Maybe I’ll come see you again some day.”
As he walked away he listened to her thoughts. A half dozen lies bounced around in her head. Maybe it was just bird shit, or maybe she’d been raped by a hobo…but no. She would tell him the truth.
Never once did he have to nudge her away from cleaning the cum off of her face. The thought of disobeying him never even entered her head.M

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